I have the bug for all things vintage!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bottles....Well Wheaton Bottles To Be Exact

Since I opened my shop on Etsy in May of 2010, I have sold a number of Wheaton Bottles....26 to be exact, in all shapes and in several sizes. I had never come across them in the past, that I can remember, but started looking out for them after my husband brought several home that he found sitting near a trash can at a work site of his. This was about the same time I was looking for things to sell in my Etsy shop. I did a little research and sure enough, these were bottles that people collect.

The bottles you see here are ones I still haven't let go of. Wheaton bottles come in a variety of colors, but you can probably tell I have a thing for the red ones. I have kept those, and the small ball and claw ones you see in different colors (I'm still on the hunt for amber). I will most likely sell the red ones, but the ball and claws, I think not. The blue coffin skull and crossbones shaped bottle just sold, and one of the green ones is listed at the shop.

Look out for Wheaton bottles to sell or to collect. I have sold them for as little as $12.00 for three, and as much as $30.00 for one of the coffin shaped skull and crossbones. I have seen these go for more on Ebay when someone just has to have that particular one. Make sure to check for the markings on the front and on the bottom of the bottles. There are similar bottles you may come across marked "Made In Taiwan" that are not as valuable to buyers.

Happy Hunting!

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